
One Hour - $25

One and a Half Hours - $35

Two Hours - $45

Come Check out The Game Yard!

Pricing is for one person per hour. You can sign up if you want to hold a spot in our “Book Now” section above, or feel free to walk in.

Some hours and days are busier than others, so we do recommend booking above.

Explore the Details


We have a full liquor license and will have canned beverages available with a full service bar. We will allow you to bring your own food in, or have food delivered while you play.


Make sure you understand all of the rules before visiting our facility. We will provide instruction and rules on site, but there are some rules you will want to understand before you arrive.


All questions can be answered here! Please read through for any questions you may have, and please contact us with any questions that are not answered within our FAQ’S!


Be sure to fill out your waiver before visiting our facility! Before entering our facility, or participating in any games you must sign a waiver. You can do it right here! Click the link!